It was so wonderful to have family come visit us here in this out-of-the-way place in Southwestern Kansas. Luckily it was on the Taylor's way to Nebraska to visit Ed's folks there over their Spring Break.
This is a photo op which shows a bit of Garden City's history as to how it got it's name. It was begun in 1878 by two brothers by the name of Fulton and everyone supposed that the town would be names Fulton. But one day a man who had visited the small hotel asked what the name of the town was. Mrs. Fulton told him that folks assumed it was Fulton to which he replied, "Why, I would name it Garden City after your lovely garden here". So that is how Garden City got its lovely name!
These beautiful pink blossomed trees are in all the parks and look so Springy!

Couldn't resist a picture of these beautiful people in front of a tree downtown that looked like "Popcorn popping on the Apricot Tree".

These are called Monument Rocks and they are what is left of an inland sea that was here 80 million years ago. They are limestone and are the remains of tiny ocean creatures. ( I think I have posted about these before but this time it is with the Taylors!

With this Buffalo Bill statue, our Big Ed had met his match! This sits along the highway going up to Colby where we teach a class so we go by it every week. It is pretty awesome!
It commemorates a contest between William Cody and William Comstock, (who both shot buffalo to supply the railroad) as to who could shoot the most buffalo in one day. William Cody won and earned the right to the name Buffalo Bill. This sculpture is twice life size!
That is quite a barrel to look up in to!
It is supposed to bring you good luck to kiss the buffalo's nose. Sure glad he wasn't real! What a nose!
After Bill Cody retired from hunting Buffalo he put together a Wild West Show in 1883 with which he toured throughout the United States and Europe.
Annie Oakley was part of Buffalo Bill's Wild West as a sharp shooter and trick rider. The Buffalo Bill statue is right outside Oakley, Kansas.
We enjoyed the sweet short visit of Treisa and Ed and bid them farewell about noon as they headed up to Nebraska to visit the Taylors there.
It is so fun to find little flower surprises popping up in the yard!

We have lots of tall green leaves that look like they should turn into daffodils but they never produced a single bloom so I had to take a picture of these in a neighbor's yard up the street.
But out by our back gate we had these gorgeous iris blooming. Aren't they lovely? They always will remind me of my mom as she always had iris bulbs blooming in the Spring.
And after watching this bunch of greens and buds for quite some time, we finally were rewarded with a whole bunch of pink peonies! I have never had these in my yard. What a treat!
So now I have fresh flowers on my dining room table every day!
Beautiful pictures of all those flowers! Glad you finally posted our wonderful visit with you. We loved our visit.